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School Governors

Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about the school’s Governors, and the work that we do.

Our main role is to support the Headteacher and the staff. We help them to set and reach targets and to strive for excellence across the whole spectrum of school life.

Our legal duties include:-

  • setting strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • approving the school budget
  • reviewing progress against the school’s budget and objectives
  • appointing, challenging and supporting the headteacher

The Governing Body meets at least once every term. We sometimes set up committees or working groups to look at particular issues such as pay, performance management, buildings development and Finance.

We are committed to providing an excellent environment for all pupils to enjoy during their time at our school.

Governing Body 2023/2024 Key Responsibilities
Dave Butt Chair of Governors

Address: Queenborough School & Nursery, Edward Road,Isle of Sheppy, ME11 5DF

Jason Howard Executive Head Teacher
Karen Williams Staff Governor
Daniel Goodwin Governor – Vice Chair Safeguarding
Abigail Pannell (Rudd) Governor English
Joanna Denness Governor Maths
The Arts
Scott Bailey Parent Governor Science
Georgia Shelton Clerk